The Riddle of Why Music Can Exist Today

How come music can still exist until today? Does this question ever cross your mind, Thinkers?

Evolution, a term invented by Darwin, refers to a long process that has three main features: variation, intergenerational transmission and dominance. Quoting from, these principles apply equally to biological and cultural evolution (Mesoudi, 2011). Music that has become a culture can be identified in the process of its evolve. So, does music evolve?

From an evolutionary perspective, music is not directly related to the goal of survival. Then why is it still surviving or sustainably used today? Music is very useful for gathering many people. Music can be a universal language that makes many people unite and feel part of a group even though they don’t know each other at first (social bonding). Whether it is music that is sung alone or for mass listening, music has evolved.

Over time, genres music, for example, it has changed. Influencing factors include the presence of technology (improved recording, equipment, availability of accessible platforms), social trends, listener preferences, or the presence of a specific agenda. This has led to the popularity of certain genres among the public. Trends also have a certain deadline, and are even likely to recur in the future.

There are more questions to discuss. In this episode, Whitespace with pleasure will take you to a fun discussion about music. We will breakdown the riddle about the very first question in this article. Watch the vids above!