Strawberry Generation: Positive vs Negative

The strawberry generation is one of the names for Gen Z. It is synonymous with a creative and innovative spirit, but is fragile and gives up easily. This term describes the character or mentality of the younger generation (born after 1980) who are “soft” like strawberries. Strawberries are used as an analogy because they are considered charming but less adaptive or cannot stand with social pressure and hardships.

Apparently, this is often formed due to parental upbringing to a lack of strong motivation. For example, parents’ habit of comparing their children’s achievements. This can be one of the big factors for children to grow up to be an insecure person. But don’t worry Thinkers, we will breakdown the bad and good around this term, so you can take home any tips to be a stronger strawberry ever.

Do you have any experience working with strawberry generation? Or you as the strawberry generation want to share with us your experience, feel free to catch the comment section!