Brand Research

Type of Work – Brand Research

Health: Equality vs Equity

What is your experience using the facility of health in your country? It’s important to understand the difference between health equality and equity because they are both essential in different ways. Health equality is important because it ensures that everyone receives the same level of care, regardless of status or background. However, health equity is …

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Research Says, Recession Can Prosper the Creative Industry!

Yesterday’s pandemic has forced us to immediately switch to digital. So what about recessions? Recession = dark year? This is why it is important to continue to be adaptive and make the most of what is. As those in the creative industry, we must try to maximize the main capital; creativity and various digital media. …

Research Says, Recession Can Prosper the Creative Industry! Read More »

Chef and Food Scientist: Which is More Commercial?

Chefs are skilled to work in the kitchen. Food scientist’s workspace is in the lab to develop products. What are the details of these two professions? In terms of fields, they are already different even though they both seem to focus on food. People are more familiar with the profession of chef than food scientist. Nowadays, …

Chef and Food Scientist: Which is More Commercial? Read More »

Music Business in the Digital Age

Music is one of the tools to help motivate, connect and relax. Research also provides in-depth evidence on the benefits of listening to music. Because of this influence, music has also become a field for businesses. Musicians are usually organized through a production house, while some indie musicians manage their own productions. Competition is growing …

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Research as a Place to Find Identity

According to the expert, Lia Sidik, this WHITESPACE session specifically reviews matters related to research. Regardless of one’s background, researching is a human right. Researching becomes a basic thing that a person usually has. Meanwhile, the research process is tiered and timed. There are stages according to the level of research and the capacity of …

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Do We Need to Worry About AI Technology?

The development of technology feels more advanced every day, one of which is through AI technology. AI or artificial intelligence is deliberately made to help human work, for example in the field of education, which can help students’ schoolwork.  However, AI itself can also have negative effects such as reducing the level of relationships and …

Do We Need to Worry About AI Technology? Read More »

Create Your Own Board Game with Martin Ang

Hi Thinkers, like playing board games? Or is it curious? In WHITESPACE this time we have Martin Ang, one of the founders of Table Toys (a famous board game café in Surabaya). Some basic things, from deciding the game to the elements and pieces will be peeled off in this WHITESPACE. We will also look …

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How to be Physically Healthy by Food?

“Aku anak sehat, tubuhku kuat” did you guys Thinkers ever heard that lyric? A healthy body certainly does not necessarily exist without efforts to maintain it. Starting from check-up, adjusting diet, recognizing the signs given by the body, getting enough rest, moving enough, and as are some of the efforts. An indication of a healthy …

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Digi-Health Facilitates the Community to the Medical Community

Thinkers! So far, Digihealth has been very helpful in Indonesia. The Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia has introduced it as a solution to help public health facilities. The Ministry of Health creates a digital health ecosystem with the Digital Transformation Office. By facilitating patients and doctors in communicating digitally, this …

Digi-Health Facilitates the Community to the Medical Community Read More »

Kitchen Rodeo: Board Game Innovation with Cooking Recipe Menu

When compared to digital games that use templates on average, board games include games that are quite a bit more creative.  What makes board games interesting? Is the board game only limited to games or also has other functions? Then, how do you judge whether a board game is good or not?